October 25, 2023

Rosenberg Lake Mt. Goat Hunt Zone closed

Sitka, Alaska (KINY) – Hunt managers set a harvest quota of two males or one female for the Rosenberg Lake hunt zone of mountain goat hunt RG150 on Baranof Island.

Arrest warrants issued for two Sitka men

Sitka, Alaska (KINY) – On Sept. 27, an arrest warrant in the amount of $2,500 was issued by the State of Alaska for 55-year-old Izaak S Needham for Violating Conditions

Alaska Academic Decathlon & Pentathlon seeks new teams

Above: Representative Peltola during the 2023 State Competition at UAA. (Photo courtesy of SERRC) Anchorage, Alaska (KINY) – The Alaska Academic Decathlon and Pentathlon are currently recruiting middle and high school teams