Kodiak, Alaska (KINY) – Elk hunters on Afognak Island have taken advantage of mild weather to reach established harvest objectives during the fall drawing hunt, which includes portions of the RE755 registration hunt area.  Consequently, portions of the RE755 hunt area will not open this year.

The closed areas include the Remainder hunt area, that portion of Afognak Island west of the main north-south logging road (1100 Road) from Danger Bay logging camp north to its terminus at Discoverer Bay and that portion north and east of a line from the head of Back Bay (58° 05.3’ N. lat., 152° 45.7’ W. long.) to Hatchery Peak (58° 07.2’ N. lat., 152° 47.5’ W. long.) to the head of Malina Bay (58° 09.3’ N. lat., 152° 51.0’ W. long.).

Afognak Island elk are managed using established harvest guidelines for individual herds and a 10 percent harvest objective for the overall elk population.

A harvest objective of 39 elk was established for this portion of the Remainder hunt area and as of October 20, hunters had reported taking 37 elk from this portion of the Remainder hunt area. 

With hunters still in the field biologists anticipate the harvest quota will be reached prior to this closure taking effect.

This closure is necessary to prevent exceeding harvest objectives.

Registration hunts for elk of either sex will open Oct. 23, 2023, in the remaining portions of RE755 hunt area including Kodiak Island.

Elk hunting on Raspberry Island is restricted to hunters with drawing permits. 

Permits for RE755 are available in person at Kodiak, Anchorage, Palmer, Soldotna, Fairbanks, and Homer ADF&G offices.

Detailed maps are available at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game office in Kodiak.  

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