The Fireweed Award recipients. Photo courtesy of BRH

Juneau, Alaska (KINY) – Bartlett Regional Hospital (BRH) announced the first round of Fireweed Award recipients in 2024 for their exceptional care and service to the community. 48 nominations were submitted this past quarter, and four employees were randomly selected for hospital-wide recognition:

Angela Johnston is an Obstetrics Nurse who was nominated by a patient’s husband for her “above and beyond care” of his wife and newborn baby.

“Angela was a wonderful nurse. Night shift is hard enough, but Angela was always positive and thinking about ways to help my wife. She was awesome, wonderful, and took the time to be exceptional for us.”

Angeline Randall is a Behavioral Health Assistant who was nominated by a colleague for going the extra mile.

“Angie consistently engages with patients in a compassionate manner and goes the extra mile to make the experience therapeutic and engaging for those we serve. Recently, she updated the resources at Rainforest Recovery Center (RRC) to bolster the therapeutic and fun activities we provide for clients. Thank you, Angie, keep up the amazing work!”

Shayna Rohwer is an Obstetrics Nurse who received four nominations this quarter from patients’ families and colleagues for her excellence in care and model service to our community.

A colleague noted that “Shayna is an exemplary RN, a true role model, and one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met. Shayna makes everyone around her feel welcomed, appreciated, and truly cared for.” A patient’s family shared that “from the moment we met Shayna during the birth of our daughter she was instantly a beacon of stability, strength, and kindness through the entire process of my wife’s labor. By the end, both my wife and I felt incredibly lucky to have been paired with someone so caring and kind while also having the skills and knowledge to allow us to have our birth as close to the way we wanted it as possible.”

Ruby Stephens is a Certified Nursing Assistant who was nominated by two colleagues for her excellent customer service with patients in the Medical/Surgical Unit.

“Ruby is always willing to help her colleagues and assist patients even if the patient hasn’t been assigned to her. She is a team player, always has a good attitude, and is very knowledgeable – it’s a pleasure to work with her.”

A celebration event was held on campus and each recipient received a recognition pin, a gift card courtesy of the BRH Foundation, and a designated parking spot for the quarter.

Nominations for the next quarter are currently being accepted.

To submit a nomination, visit

Continuing sponsorship for this award is generously provided by the BRH Foundation.

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