Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - A Docks & Harbors Board special meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 5 p.m. as a public hearing on the proposal to raise all applicable Docks & Harbors rates by 9%, effective Jan. 2024.

The meeting will be held in the Assembly Chambers and via Zoom.

Zoom link: juneau.zoom.us/j/82028755361?pwd=eWVpbWZUYmZnbmkvUUh6NUVJazhVQT09

Or dial: 1-253-215-8782 with ID 868 3708 6564 and Passcode 149006

This public hearing follows a requisite 21-day public notice process which was initiated on Sept. 28. 

This action is the result of multiple years of evaluation, studies, and public outreach. 

After the public hearing, the Board will make motions and forward recommendations to the Assembly for regulation adoption.

The Assembly will, most likely, take up this action at the Oct. 23 Assembly meeting.

The community can submit their input to the board at HarborBoard@juneau.gov.

Information regarding the public notice, study, and other communications mentioned above can be found at juneau.org/harbors/proposed-rate-increase.

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