Above: Photo courtesy of Alaska Department of Fish and Game
An aerial survey conducted on October 3, 2019 in the area between Eagle Glacier and Sawmill Creek resulted in low goat counts; a total of 42 goats (26% kids) were observed. Surveys in the same area in 2018 found 35 goats (26% kids), in 2016 found 38 goats (12% kids), and in 2015 found 64 goats (42% kids). Goat numbers began declining in the area after the severe winter of 2006/2007 and despite recent mild winters the population has been slow to recover.
While goats are not isolated in these areas, historical survey data and recent GPS radio collar information suggest little movement between drainages. Because goats demonstrate high site fidelity, areas with low densities may require longer periods to recover if additional harvest were allowed before the population rebounds. Because few goats were observed on previous surveys area managers consider it prudent to close the season in this area.
An Emergency Order (R1-10-23) was issued that closes the mountain goat season in this area on Saturday, September 30, 2023 @ 11:59 pm.
The remaining area of registration mountain goat hunt RG012, the area east of Sawmill Creek to Antler Lake, and all other mountain goat hunting regulations in Unit 1C remain unchanged and are not affected by this Emergency Order.