Fairbanks, Alaska (KINY) – On Thursday, December 28th, at approximately 11:15 pm, Fairbanks Emergency Communication Center (FECC) received a report from a caller who stated that their relative, later identified as Timothy Mcardle Jr (D.O.B. 3/23/93) had entered his home at 1910 Turner Street and had threatened him with a knife. The caller also reported that he believed Mcardle Jr was under the influence of drugs and stated that he was tearing up the apartment.

When Fairbanks Police Officers arrived at the location, Mcardle Jr was throwing items around the apartment and out of the windows. The original caller was outside of the apartment when officers arrived. Officers attempted to make verbal contact with Mcardle Jr, but Mcardle Jr refused to speak to them. Mcardle Jr could be heard breaking things in the apartment, including water pipes.

Mcardle Jr opened the door to the apartment several times but refused to come out. After a brief stand-off, officers attempted to use less lethal force to take Mcardle Jr into custody for Felony Domestic Violence Assault in the 3rd Degree. When officers entered the apartment to arrest Mcardle Jr, he fought with officers as they attempted to handcuff him. Once handcuffed, Mcardle Jr became unresponsive. Officers began CPR and called for EMS assistance. Fairbanks Fire EMS took over when they arrived, but lifesaving measures were not successful and Mcardle Jr was declared dead at the scene.

Mcardle Jr’s body has been turned over to the Medical Examiner’s office for autopsy. Investigation into this incident is ongoing and more information will be provided to the public when updates are available. This incident and investigation will also be reviewed by the State of Alaska Office of Special Prosecutions.

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