Juneau, Alaska (KINY) – The Juneau Community Foundation (JCF) announced, via a press release, that flood relief assistance is now available for those who were negatively impacted by the glacial outburst that occurred this past Summer.

Due to support both from the local Juneau community and from around the state, the Community Foundation received $28,300. The JCF, by working with the Juneau Economic Development Council’s nonprofit arm, the Alaska Development Corporation, will use these funds to provide limited assistance to anyone who experienced a major loss due to the flooding.

“We are happy to be collaborating with JEDC to help neighbors and community members who experienced a major loss from the jökulhlaup flooding that occurred,” said Amy Skilbred, Executive Director of the Juneau Community Foundation.

They have made an application for those affected that can be accessed from their website, www.juneaucf.org, and are due by 5 pm on Sunday, December 31, 2023.

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