Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Juneau District Ranger Tristan Fluharty, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, closed two portions of Unit 1C to the harvest of mountain goats last week.

Above: Alaska Department of Fish & Game Photo/Phil Mooney

The areas are:

Sumdum Peninsula – Portion of Unit 1C on the Sumdum Peninsula west of Spruce Creek at the head of Windham Bay and over the saddle at the top of the drainage to Endicott Arm

Mt. Kluchman – Portion of Unit 1(C); that portion west of the US/Canada Border to East Twin Glacier, and north of the Taku River; commonly referred to as Mt. Kluchman.

Eagle Glacier to Sawmill Creek – Portion of Unit 1(C); that portion draining into Lynn Canal and Stephens Passage between Eagle River and Eagle Glacier and Sawmill Creek.

The closures were effective Saturday, Sep. 30 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2023 season which ends Nov. 30.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued concurrent closures in the same area (Emergency orders R1-5-23, R1-8-23, and R1-10-23).

Additional mountain goat harvest in this area could have long-term negative effects on the conservation of the mountain goat subpopulation.

A map and description of the closed areas are available from the Region I, Douglas Area Office of ADF&G.

Information on Federal subsistence management special actions for the Tongass National Forest can be found at https://www.fs.usda.gov/news/tongass/news-events.

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