Washington, D.C. (KINY) - The Representative has been spending time with family following the passing of her husband, Eugene “Buzzy” Peltola on Sep. 12.

“The past few weeks have been some of the most difficult in my life,” said Representative Peltola. “I am so thankful for the space that Alaskans have given me to celebrate Buzzy’s life with my family, and for all those who celebrated it with us. The kindness and generosity that you have shown represents Alaska at its best.

It has also been a difficult time for our country. In recent weeks, we have watched partisan politicians make unserious attempts at solving serious problems. We barely avoided a shutdown that would have hit Alaska’s military families, seniors, and children hard. And now, those same politicians are playing a partisan game of musical chairs for the Speakership while another shutdown looms only a few weeks away.

Alaskans know what to do in times like this: we face reality. We leave our partisan comfort zones and find a way to work together. Listening to some of my colleagues this week, I’ve heard people ask if a bipartisan House coalition is possible—if the D.C. establishment could even consider such a thing. Well, bipartisan coalitions are about as Alaskan as the midnight sun. I’m prepared to talk to Democrats and Republicans to find common ground on the real issues that are affecting every district, like the cost of energy, the border crisis, and protecting Social Security for the future.

That’s why I know it’s time for me to return to D.C., to bring back that Alaskan perspective that the House needs. I will continue to mourn Buzzy, but I am ready to get to work, as I know that he would want.”

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