Buffalo and Newborn” by Jim Bowen is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Washington, D.C. (KINY) – Last week, Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), alongside Reps. Mary Sattler Peltola (D-AK), Norma J. Torres (D-CA), Tom Cole (R-OK), and Jay Obernolte (R-CA) introduced H.R.6368, a bill to assist Tribal governments in the management of buffalo and buffalo habitat and the re-establishment of buffalo on Indian land.

A similar version of the bill, sponsored by the late U.S. Representative Don Young (R-AK), passed the House of Representatives in late 2021. 

The American buffalo, a North American species of bison, once roamed freely across the United States and served an essential role for Native communities throughout North America.

Historically, bison were a reliable source of food, shelter, and clothing for Indigenous peoples across the American West.

The decimation of the American buffalo that began in the mid-19th century significantly harmed the Native communities that depended on these majestic creatures.

Recognizing what buffalo mean to these communities, H.R.6368 establishes a program within the Department of the Interior to assist tribes and tribal organizations with protecting, conserving, and fostering buffalo herds.   

“This is a pivotal moment for Indigenous people and a true testament to the hard work and determination of countless Native advocates. For hundreds of years, the American buffalo was central to the culture, spiritual well-being, and livelihoods of our nation’s Indigenous peoples,” said Representative Peltola. “Alaska proudly hosts a thriving buffalo herd on Sitkalidak Island, managed by the Alutiiq people. The ruthless decimation of buffalo herds that occurred in the mid-19th century dealt a devasting blow to Native communities that have long relied on these animals. We must reverse the damage done to the American buffalo and to the ways of life of Native peoples across our country. This bill is an important step toward restoring once-flourishing buffalo herds, which have been vital to the cultural, spiritual, and subsistence traditions of Native Americans throughout many states. I now call on my colleagues to help us get this vital bill across the finish line.”  

“World Wildlife Fund strongly supports the Indian Buffalo Management Act, which would create a permanent program within the Department of the Interior to support tribal-led bison restoration efforts and the strongest possible government-to-government relationships with Tribes,” said Martha Kauffman, Vice President, of Northern Great Plains Ecoregion, World Wildlife Fund. “WWF is a proud ally in these efforts to restore bison to grasslands in the United States, guided and informed by the leadership of Native Nations. All of us stand to benefit from the return of this critically important and iconic American species.”

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