Sitka, Alaska (KINY) – On Wednesday the Sitka Police Department received a report of a local hotel being burglarized multiple times by a male.
Upon investigation, an officer was able to determine that 30-year-old Jason D. Svilar had been entering the hotel with an illegally obtained access card and stealing both items and services from the hotel. Svilar was seen on camera entering the hotel multiple times and accessing a room that he did not have permission, nor had he paid, to be in and use.
An officer executed a search warrant on Svilar and recovered the stolen access card from his persons, as well as an additional access card to the hotel.
Svilar was arrested on three felony counts of Burglary in the Second Degree, five counts of Theft in the Fourth Degree, and three counts of Criminal Trespassing in the Second Degree.
Svilar was arraigned in court on Jan. 31 and released on a delayed bail. Svilar has until Feb. 9 to post a $500 bail.