Nome, Alaska (KINY) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced an emergency order to open the State resident winter season for antlered bull moose by registration permit hunt RM844 in Unit 22(A) Central during the period Dec. 1, 2023 to Jan. 31, 2024 with a harvest quota of 10 antlered bull moose.

This winter season will close on Jan. 31, 2024, or by subsequent emergency order if the harvest quota is reached before the season closing date.

The current reported harvest following the completion of the fall RM841 registration permit hunt is below the estimated harvestable surplus for the hunt area and the department has determined that providing additional harvest opportunities is warranted at this time.

The RM844 hunt area includes that portion of Unit 22(A) within the Unalakleet River drainage and all drainages flowing into Norton Sound north of the Golsovia River drainage and south of and including the Egavik Creek drainage.

This hunt is open to Alaska residents only and registration permits will be available in person from the license vendor in Unalakleet or online at beginning Nov. 15, 2023.

The department will be monitoring the harvest closely and all successful hunters are required to report their harvest within 48 hours of the kill. Unsuccessful hunters must submit their hunt report by Feb. 15, 2024.

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