Juneau, Alaska (KINY) – Updated 01/27/2024: Thane Road has been reopened to traffic as of 10:00 a.m. Saturday. Avalanche hazard remains elevated and DOT&PF reminds travelers that no parking or stopping is advised in the avalanche zone.

DOT&PF continues to monitor the situation and emergency closures may be necessary if conditions worsen.

Original 01/26/2024:

Due to the long-duration heavy rain event forecasted by the National Weather Service, along with rising temperatures, there will be an increased avalanche hazard on Thane Road.

Thane Road is scheduled to close at the avalanche gates at 6 p.m. Friday. The closure will remain in effect until weather conditions allow for Avalanche Hazard Mitigation work or until the hazard naturally decreases. Conditions will continue to be monitored during the closure period.

Thane residents should be prepared for extended road closures. Please visit the CBJ emergency management site for personal and household preparedness details. https://juneau.org/emergency/personal-and-household-preparedness

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