Marta Lastufka plays Nora in Theater Alaska’s production of A Doll’s House, Part 2. Photo credit to Matt Otto.

Juneau, Alaska (KINY) – Theater Alaska, a non-profit organization, is presenting A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath.

The production features Theater Alaska company member Jake Waid and is directed by artistic director Flordelino Lagundino.

A Doll’s House, Part 2 is a sequel to A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. Lagundino explained the original play.

“Nora leaves her husband and divorce during that time was like, couldn’t do it. It was very, very rare to do that. And her closing the door to that life was mentioned as like the door closing or a door slammed that resounded throughout the world,” he said. “Because that play was a play that gave women the thought of like, I can do what I want for myself.”

He also shared information on the sequel that Theater Alaska is producing.

“Lucas Hnath in 2017 wrote a play that went on Broadway. It was a sequel to that really renowned play. And so, it’s like what happened to Nora 15 years ago,” he said. “The play is a discussion or a fight and kind of like a conversation, all sorts of things wrapped into one between Nora, her husband Torvald, her daughter Emmy, and their kind of maid person that stays and takes care of the kids, Anne Marie.”

A Doll’s House, Part 2 was nominated for 8 Tony Awards. Lagundino described it as a “drama with lots of funny moments”.

Madelynne Brehmer, who plays Nora’s daughter, Emmy, shared how she became involved with Theater Alaska.

“This is my first production with Theater Alaska but I have been doing theater since I could work the camera at home. I’m from Fairbanks originally and I’m here for college. I actually got involved with Flordelino through Poetry Out Loud for two years in a row,” she said. “Then I got an email this year when I came to Juneau, saying, hey, you should try out for this part. And I said, why not?”

Brehmer added that although her part is small, she thinks it holds the most impact out of any part of the play.

“But I don’t want to give too much away,” she said with a laugh.

“Sound design is about taking the context or the subtext of the play, the like unwritten message that’s behind the words and rendering that through sound and music,” Sound Designer Matt Otto said when asked about his role in production.

The use of sound helps bring the play set in the 1890s into the modern world.

The opening night was Wednesday at the Filipino Community Hall.


Wednesday, November 8 @ 2pm – Pioneer Home (4675 Glacier Hwy)
Thursday, November 9 @ 7pm – Mendenhall Valley Library (3025 Dimond Park Loop)
Friday, November 10 @ 7:30pm – Church of the Holy Trinity (415 Fourth Street)
Saturday, November 11 @ 7:30pm – Sealaska Heritage Institute Clan House – Shuká Hít (105 S Seward Street)
Sunday, November 12 @ 2pm – The Glory Hall (8715 Teal Street)

Thursday, November 16 @ 7:30pm – Juneau Makerspace (3915 N Douglas Highway)
Friday, November 17 @ 7pm – UAS Egan Library (11066 Auke Lake Way)
Saturday, November 18 @ 7pm – UAS Egan Library (11066 Auke Lake Way)
Sunday, November 19 @ 3pm – Sealaska Heritage Institute Clan House – Shuká Hít (105 S Seward Street)


Flordelino Lagundino Director
Deb O Set and Costumes Designer
Matt Otto Sound Designer
Hali Duran Movement Coordinator
Keely Wolter Voice and Text Coach
Christina Apathy Company Coach
Cagla Karsioglu Set and Costumes Design Assistant
Shelly Wright Costumes Technician
Terry Cramer Assistant Stage Manager
Kristin Garot Assistant Stage Manager


Madelynne Brehmer Emmy
Marta Lastufka Nora
Becky Orford Anne Marie
Jake Waid Torvald

This production is supported in part by the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council and the City and Borough of Juneau.

Additional production support is provided by Filipino Community, Inc., Juneau Community Foundation, and Trail Mix, and presented in partnership with Juneau Public Libraries, The Glory Hall, Pioneer Home, and UAS Egan Library.

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